- Suite 400. 100 East Penn Square, Philadelphia PA 19107
- [email protected]
- 215-525-2866 Ext 3
Learn from the Experts
Our Management Team has Over 50 Years of Combined Experience in Education.
Failing a subject ? Cannot engage in class;
We at Edu Prime perform a diagnostic assessment using industry led tools to identify gaps in your learning experience and write report on the suggested path towards achievement.
We then help you choose your tutor with your learning profile and personality in mind.
Manage Sessions
Conveniently view and schedule your tutoring
Track your finances
Track and purchase additional tutoring hours
Plan your sessions by accessing your expert tutor’s calendar and contact information
Find Best Tutors Anywhere
Our success in the selection process has largely been our unique approach in leveraging data through our diagnostic approached and tailor making the learning model to fit your individual needs.
Our tutors are trained professionals and with our wealth of experience in Education we will ensure that you are matched with the tutor that meets your specific needs.
Call Us 215-525-2866 EXT: 2
Do You Need Help?
Our specialists can help you with finding the right tutor for you or your kids
Make an Appointment Now

Appointment Form
“I Enjoyed Every Lesson”
My dream has come true! I was able to start working on getting my degree, and if it wasn’t for your help, it would have taken me quite some time to reach the goal. Thank you very much, and please, continue your great job!
My dream has come true! I was able to start working on getting my degree, and if it wasn’t for your help, it would have taken me quite some time to reach the goal. Thank you very much, and please, continue your great job!
Sophia Miller
21 years old
“It Was Really Interesting”
Before I used to think that studying with a tutor means you’re not good enough, or that there is not enough time and knowledge for you during the regular study. However, now I understand how great it is to learn additionally!
Before I used to think that studying with a tutor means you’re not good enough, or that there is not enough time and knowledge for you during the regular study. However, now I understand how great it is to learn additionally!
Michael Morris
25 years old
EduPrime Is A Minority Owned and Operated Business

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